From 31st December 2023 XL Bully type dogs are subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act and must be licensed.
Firstly we want to make it very clear that we do NOT discriminate against any dog breed and we welcome ALL breeds/types to use our facility.
However, we hope you can understand that we do need to follow legislation/laws and ensure the policies that we are covered by under our own Insurance company are being adhered too.
We have been in contact with our insurance company and are very pleased we can allow XL Bullys to continue using our facilities UNMUZZLED and OFF LEAD!
Please see below what we received from our insurers and then read below the photo for more clarification...
So just to clarify, if you own an XL Bully type dog (or any other from the banned breed list) you are absolutely welcome to use our paddocks but you must follow the guidelines & rules...
You must have a certificate of Exemption.
You must have 3rd party insurance for your dog and a copy must be emailed to us.
Your dog must be Neutered. Neutering guidence from Gov website -
less than 1 year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 31 December 2024
older than 1 year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 30 June 2024
You MUST keep your dog on the lead until you are safely locked inside the paddock.
Your dog must be placed back on the lead before leaving the paddock.
Muzzles can be removed once secured inside the paddock.
We will be providing an extra padlock inside the paddock for owners to double lock themselves inside.
1:1 handler - For example, if you have x2 XL Bullys there must be 2 handlers, one for each bully. Another example; If you have an XL bully and a border collie, there must be 1 handler for the XL bully and 1 handler for the collie.
For more information & advice on the XL bully ban please visit the government website.
Any new additional information will be added.